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Thanks for reading.
I thought briefly of giving Guenevere a gold medal in an individual event,
since the team show jumping actually wrapped up two days ago but the
individual events are still going on. But it seemed less rude to overlay
invented winning teams over the actual winning teams than to, however
fictionally and in the obscurity of a second generation webcomic, take an
individual's accomplishment away. Also, when I wrote this cartoon I already
knew that the U.S. team had actually won the event, and I'd've been less
comfortable giving Guenevere the gold in an event that an American hadn't won
or that the winner wasn't yet known.
Also, the other teams and Guenevere's teammates aren't exactly "invented".
I often give extras the faces of people I knew when I was the age Arthur is.
The people in this cartoon are likenesses of people from the community
theatre production of A Midsummer Night's Dream I did when I was
Also, I think silver medal winners stand on the right of gold medal winners,
and bronze medal winners on the left. Thats' what I planned to do here when I
drew the rushes. But, when I tried to assemble the images that way,
the perspective seemed all wrong so I swapped them.
Webcomics I read mornings:
Kevin & Kell,
For Better Or For Worse,
Tux & Bunny,
Sluggy Freelance,
Irregular Comic,
Webcomics I read M-W-F mornings:
El Goonish Shive,
Theater Hopper,
General Protection Fault,
Girl Genius,
Webcomics I read Tu-Th-Sa mornings:
Punch an' Pie,
My Name is Might Have Been,
Webcomics I read weekday evenings:
Scary Go Round,
Questionable Content,
Starslip Crisis,
Count Your Sheep,
Dandy & Company,
Dinosaur Comics,
Girls With Slingshots,
Wapsi Square,
Help Desk,
Real Life,
Webcomics I read M-W-F evenings:
Two Lumps,
Order of the Stick,
College Roommates from Hell!!!,
Checkerboard Nightmare,
Webcomics I read Tu-Th-Sa evenings:
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja,
Get Out of My Head,
Darths & Droids,
Buck Godot Zap Gun For Hire
| |
Webcomics I read Sundays:
Something Happens,
Three Panel Soul,
Butternut Squash,
No Room for Magic,
Li'l Mell,
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella,
Casey & Andy
Webcomics I hope will start updating again:
Boxjam's Doodle,
The Angriest Rice Cooker In The World,
13 Seconds,
Anywhere But Here,
Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break,
The Magnificent Adventures of Hieronymus Bosch, esquire,
The Green Avenger,
I Draw Comics,
Reasoned Cognition,
Breakfast of the Gods,
Perry Bible Fellowship,
The Whovian Observer,
Gossamer Commons
See also
The Daily Grind Iron Man Challenge,
Talk About Comics,
The Living Comic,
Online Comics Day,
The Belfry Comics Index,
The Webcomic List,
Mister Bloo,
Nth Degree,
100% Originality Theatre,
Brian Roney's Webcomic Reviews,
Girls Read Comics (And They're Pissed),
Mr. Myth,
Comixtalk and
Arthuriana sources I use or recommend:
Arthuriana - the
Journal of Arthurian Studies; the website of the quarterly journal of the
North American Branch of the International Arthurian Society.
The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester.
Camelot In Four
Colors: A Survey of the Arthurian Legend in Comics
Mystical-WWW -
The Arthurian A2Z knowledge Bank which has encyclopedically-arranged
entries on the characters of the Arthurian legends.
Early British Kingdoms - Arthurian Bios
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble
Knights of the Round Table,
Volume 1 and