Thanks for reading.
For some weeks now Howard Tayler has had a squad of his characters, in what
remains a family webcomic (if such a thing be), running around stark naked
for having been captured and stripped by their enemies and then having
escaped without getting their stuff back. Yesterday's AKOTAS was me
trying to decide whether to give him a run for his money. After all, I
have been bad lately about depicting contemporary Guenevere's
previously established home lifestyle.
However, though I composed the above paragraph for yesterday's newspost, I obviously didn't feel it needed saying badly enough to remember to post it. Today, however, I have ego-boost to talk about. In Ferrett Steinmetz's weekly webcomic review yesterday in his LiveJournal, he mentioned in passing Mr. Myth's webcomic commentary blog. I was pretty sure I've seen this fellow's [pen]name in comments on other webcomic webfora so I followed the link to check the blog out. And, lo and behold, what do I discover but the first webcomics blog I've seen to have a permanent link to AKOTAS in its sidebar. Naturally the first thing I did after that was find the sitesearch field and type in "arthur". I found four entries discussing AKOTAS since May 2006, with interesting and complimentary things to say. (His most negative observation is that the art is merely "functional" and "good enough", which truthfully are descriptive of the level I aspire to most days.) I'll have to check him out and see what else he likes. But that sidebar bit is the sort of thing that makes for a web entertainer's red-letter day. Also, does anyone know of another webcartoonist who updates daily, who doesn't - and doesn't aspire to - make his living off his webcomic and/or related industry, and who's never missed an update during a multiple-year run? I think I'm the only one. Though, if I want to retain that distinction, I really ought to be writing a gag for the cartoon above instead of this. |
Webcomics I read mornings: Kevin & Kell, For Better Or For Worse, Shortpacked, Todd and Penguin, Scary Go Round, Tux & Bunny, Sluggy Freelance, Irregular Comic, Real Life, Peanuts | Webcomics I read M-W-F mornings: El Goonish Shive, Theater Hopper, General Protection Fault, Nukees, Newshounds, Girl Genius, Pibgorn, Malfunction Junction, Ctrl+Alt+Del | Webcomics I read Tu-Th-Sa mornings: AppleGeeks, Achewood, Kismetropolis, Erfworld, Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break, WIGU, Striptease, Digger |
Webcomics I read middays: Calvin & Hobbes, Least I Could Do, User Friendly, Questionable Content, Starslip Crisis, Anywhere But Here, Devil's Panties, Narbonic, Schlock Mercenary |
Webcomics I read evenings: LuAnn, Count Your Sheep, Goats, Pearls Before Swine, American Elf, Sinfest, Little Dee | Webcomics I read M-W-F evenings: Reasoned Cognition, Two Lumps, Zortic, Order of the Stick, College Roommates from Hell!!!, Home on the Strange, Penny Arcade | Webcomics I read Tu-Th-Sa evenings: Girls With Slingshots, Dandy & Company, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, Get Out of My Head, Megatokyo, Buck Godot Zap Gun For Hire |
Webcomics I read bedtimes: B.C., Something Positive, Station V3, Dinosaur Comics, Wapsi Square, Help Desk, Sheldon, PvP |
Arthuriana sources I use or recommend:
Arthuriana - the
Journal of Arthurian Studies; the website of the quarterly journal of the
North American Branch of the International Arthurian Society.
The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester.
Camelot In Four
Colors: A Survey of the Arthurian Legend in Comics
Mystical-WWW -
The Arthurian A2Z knowledge Bank which has encyclopedically-arranged
entries on the characters of the Arthurian legends.
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble
Knights of the Round Table,
Volume 1 and