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Arthur, King of Time and Space Arthur, King of Time and Space

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Arthur, King of Time and Space


  1. As expected, the judges of the Daily Grind contest have ruled that I'm out on grounds of violation of the single-panel rule.
  2. Today's is the 1500th daily AKOTAS since it began. It almost wasn't. At 16:55 CDT yesterday I sat down to create this cartoon, and a storm came through my town and knocked power out in scattered areas all over the city, including our townhouse complex. My wife and I fell back on the ancient and honored method for passing time of reading a book, for about an hour and a half. Then we decided that going to see whether there was still power at the restaurant hosting my 30th high school reunion get-together was better than sitting at home waiting to see when the power would come back on. The restaurant did have power. We enjoyed ourselves, but we heard while we were there that there's at least one section of the city that may be without power for four or five days, and on the way back from the restaurant all the traffic lights that had been dead on our way out were still dead. We got home about 22:30. If we hadn't had any power, this cartoon would have to have waited to be completed and uploaded as much as fourteen to sixteen hours later than usual, till I'd got to a public library. But we did discover that power was back on - since, according to the lapsed time on the stove clock, about forty-five minutes before we got home. So here we are.

Webcomics I read mornings: Kevin & Kell, For Better Or For Worse, Tux & Bunny, Sluggy Freelance, Irregular Comic, Peanuts Webcomics I read M-W-F mornings: El Goonish Shive, Theater Hopper, General Protection Fault, Nukees, Newshounds, Girl Genius, Pibgorn, Ctrl+Alt+Del Webcomics I read Tu-Th-Sa mornings: AppleGeeks, Achewood, Kismetropolis, Striptease, Punch an' Pie, My Name is Might Have Been, Digger
Webcomics I read middays: Calvin & Hobbes, Least I Could Do, User Friendly, LuAnn, Pearls Before Swine, American Elf, Devil's Panties, Narbonic, Schlock Mercenary
Webcomics I read weekday evenings: Fans, Scary Go Round, Questionable Content, Starslip Crisis, Anywhere But Here, Count Your Sheep, Goats, Dandy & Company, Dinosaur Comics, Girls With Slingshots, Sketchies, Shortpacked, Wapsi Square, Help Desk, Real Life, PvP Webcomics I read M-W-F evenings: Two Lumps, Zortic, Order of the Stick, College Roommates from Hell!!!, Penny Arcade Webcomics I read Tu-Th-Sa evenings: The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, Get Out of My Head, Darths & Droids, Megatokyo, Buck Godot Zap Gun For Hire
Webcomics I read bedtimes: B.C., Something Positive, Station V3, Sinfest, Little Dee, Sheldon, Skin Horse
Webcomics I read Sundays: xkcd, Minus, Something Happens, Three Panel Soul, Butternut Squash, No Room for Magic, Li'l Mell, Breakfast of the Gods, The Non-Adventures of Wonderella, Casey & Andy, Ctrl+Alt+Del Webcomics I hope will start updating again: Boxjam's Doodle, The Angriest Rice Cooker In The World, 13 Seconds, Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break, The Magnificent Adventures of Hieronymus Bosch, esquire, The Green Avenger, I Draw Comics, Reasoned Cognition, Perry Bible Fellowship, The Whovian Observer, Gossamer Commons See also The Daily Grind Iron Man Challenge, Talk About Comics, The Living Comic, Online Comics Day, The Belfry Comics Index, The Webcomic List, Mister Bloo, Nth Degree, 100% Originality Theatre, Brian Roney's Webcomic Reviews, Girls Read Comics (And They're Pissed), Fleen, Mr. Myth, Comixtalk and Websnark.

Arthuriana sources I use or recommend:
Arthurian Legend
Arthuriana - the Journal of Arthurian Studies; the website of the quarterly journal of the North American Branch of the International Arthurian Society.
The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester.
Camelot In Four Colors: A Survey of the Arthurian Legend in Comics
Mystical-WWW - The Arthurian A2Z knowledge Bank which has encyclopedically-arranged entries on the characters of the Arthurian legends.
Early British Kingdoms - Arthurian Bios
. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 1 and Volume 2.

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